Celebrate History, Memory and Railway Heritage through an innovative concept, which combines music, theater, literature and lots of family fun.

Dates: 18 de may de 2024, saturday
to 29 de may de 2024, wednesday
(Achievement in interpolated dates, see here)

Hour: 17:00


18 de may de 2024, saturday
21 de may de 2024, tuesday
22 de may de 2024, wednesday
23 de may de 2024, thursday
24 de may de 2024, friday
25 de may de 2024, saturday
28 de may de 2024, tuesday
29 de may de 2024, wednesday

Supplementary schedule: TER-SEX 14H00-18H00 SÁB 10H00-13H00 / 14H00-18H00

Local: São João Baptista, Galeria Municipal do Entroncamento


The Vapor Festival, took place in Entroncamento, in the years 2018, 2019 and 2022 and was a commitment by the Municipality and its partners, to bring to the city and the region a different festival, enhanced by the setting provided by the National Railway Museum, which guaranteed a framework unique aesthetic in the country. The objective of this project was to take advantage of the infrastructure and Railway Heritage, incorporating the Steampunk theme into the Festival's music, cinema, games, workshops and parades activities. As Steampunk is a retro style in which modern technology advances from steam machinery, the National Railway Museum, with its unique perspective of telling the history of Europe and the World, was the ideal place to host this festival. The exhibition presents images from a festival that celebrated Railway History, Memory and Heritage through an innovative concept, which combined music, theater, literature and lots of family fun. The Exhibition will also feature, kindly, some craft objects (hats) designed by Ana Morga, to add to the dynamics of the room's narrative.

Price: Free


Município do Entroncamento - Câmara Municipal . UCAM - Cultura . Galeria Municipal
Largo José Duarte Coelho São João Baptista 2330-078 Entroncamento
249 720 400 Ext.215
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