Work carried out throughout the current academic year, according to the analysis of the suggested work units included in the Drawing A program of the Visual Arts Course.
Dates: 16 de february de 2024, friday
to 29 de february de 2024, thursday
(Achievement in interpolated dates, see here)
Hour: 17:00
16 de february de 2024, friday
17 de february de 2024, saturday
20 de february de 2024, tuesday
21 de february de 2024, wednesday
22 de february de 2024, thursday
23 de february de 2024, friday
24 de february de 2024, saturday
27 de february de 2024, tuesday
28 de february de 2024, wednesday
29 de february de 2024, thursday
Supplementary schedule: TER-SEX 14H-18H SÁB 10H-13H / 14H-18H
Local: São João Baptista, Galeria Municipal Do Entroncamento
“IMAGE FUSION – Fantastic Figures” COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION OF 11TH YEAR STUDENTS OF THE VISUAL ARTS COURSE AT ENTRONCAMENTO SECONDARY SCHOOL WITH 3RD CYCLE SYNOPSIS This collective exhibition of students in the 11th year of the Visual Arts Course at Escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo do Entroncamento is the result of a collaboration between the school and the Municipal Council of Entroncamento, in order to, once again, publicize the work developed within the local community. by students in the Visual Arts area, promoting coordination between the school and the surrounding environment. THE WORKS EXHIBITED The development of this project resulted from the work developed throughout the current academic year, according to the analysis of the suggested work units that appear in the program of the Drawing A discipline, of the Visual Arts Course and that have been developed until the moment in in line with the principles set out in essential learning and articulation with the profile of students upon leaving compulsory education. This unit was initially developed with a theoretical approach that provided the necessary knowledge for the phases that followed, research and analysis, and then synthesis and final art. The visual compositions presented reflect the response to a problem stated through the creative act and reveal the capacity for adaptation and evolution in the face of new materials and new techniques of expression and representation. As for the essence of the theme, this resulted from the proposed challenge, to conceive, design and materialize the execution of an idea that was based on the fantastic image resulting from the fusion of an animal, a plant and an artificial object, fully applying creative processes of Graphic synthesis and transformation. THE AUTHORS We are facing a group of students who have everything necessary to adequately represent the region when they begin their professional career in the future. They are hard-working, strong-willed and face challenges with enthusiasm and persistence, adding the much-needed irreverence characteristic of their age. They have demonstrated unequivocal quality at school, but also outside of it, and present themselves to the city in the region to which they belong, with no less enthusiasm, as in everything they have done since they decided to embark on this area and which has demanded a lot from them. , but to which they have always been able to give a very positive response. Students in the 11th year of the Visual Arts Course at Entroncamento Secondary School with 3rd Cycle: Adriana Oliveira, Ana Gomes, Ana Silva, Astride Lóios, Beatriz Reis, Beatriz Rodrigues, Carolina Alves, Caroline Silva, Djenisa Monteiro, Érica Paula, Joseane Lima, Kesya Conceição, Leonor Sousa, Luís Alves, Mariana Raposo, Mariana Silva, Rafael Henriques , Rodrigo Santos, Tiago Mendes. The Teacher of the Drawing A discipline and Coordinator of the activity, Professor Álvaro Santos.
Price: Free
Município do Entroncamento - Câmara Municipal . UCAM - Cultura . Galeria Municipal
Largo José Duarte Coelho
São João Baptista
2330-078 Entroncamento
249 720 400 Ext 215
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